16 November 2010

Next project

Now that the Queen Victoria outfit is complete. I have to focus on finishing another project started at probably the same time as the corset, if not earlier. My red and black dress. I have to put the zipper in and hem it all and bind it and it should be done.

I've had a few requests to do some costumes for friends and friend of friends short films for school. But their timing is rather questionable. I would prefer a month in advance, and 2 weeks is a big no no. I have many things, beside my own projects, work, a partner, a house to maintain, work, youth group beside just living and winding down from a days work.

I have my partners family new years eve party to attend this year and it's fancy dress. I was going to drag out the Queen Victoria dress, but after being in it a few hours and it being hot, and it's not really summer yet, I may have to rethink this. I would love to use the sash and tiara again, so I might just go as some Regency Royal. Any suggestions would be awesome!

1 comment:

Lil' Nigglet said...

Dat shows duz looks nice.