And then I started to worry that I don't want a toga or just to wrap a piece of material around me and had a little look into it. I thought of buying material and then remembered the very fine muslin sitting in my stash that was going to be used (and even had about a foot of embroidery on it already!) for a 1770's skirt. I thought that I can always get more material and do not bother myself with wasting money on something I already had, and it's more than enough for what I want! I can always pull apart this dress and reuse it! And then the worry of draping and patterns. And the ultimate 'duh' moment struck me! The Regency gals of the day based their whole style on the Grecians! And what pattern do I have more of? Regency! Needless to say the worry is over now, I just have to cut and sew the daylights out of it between now and New Years Eve....I can do it!
I'm going to heavily modify the daylights out of this pattern: The Elegant Lady's Closet. Mainly using the cross over bodice and gathering it severely and then adding a skirt which will gather all around, no sleeves of course, I should be able to drape this material around me come to think of it, to break things up a bit. When I do my mail run on Thursday (which is tomorrow cunningly enough) I'll grab a post cylinder and make my quiver out of that, I'll fashion a bow out of a stick and bobs your uncle!