03 December 2008

Yet again

I have started on the little girls dresses. I was busting my brain to find a little girl who would be the same size as her because I have not made things for little girls yet. But there is always a first for everything and I don't have a pattern. And so I remembered at work the little girl next door. How could I be so forgetful! She is pretty much spot on for size, give or take a cm. So I've started on the underskirt, I sewed the panels and gathered them all last night. A red underskirt and a blue overdress, something similar to this actually, but the blue will be light blue:

Anyway. Thats what the next few days will be dedicated too. Filming has been postponed again due to the owners of the Cobbity farm not being comfortable with something or other, thats all I could deduce from the voicemail on my phone. Either way. It gives me heaps of time and our poor director not enough!

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