31 October 2011

Amy Pond Costume

Well we had my sisters 21st on the weekend. I made a passable Amy Pond I think, and AS did well enough for Rory. I'll snitch photos from mum as all I have are the ones before the party I took of me.

The 'police jacket' is a puff jacket I found at the Salvo's for $7, I bought some kiddies dress up police costume bib thing, cut out the police chequers and the 'police' bit for the back of the jacket and just glued it on with craft glue. I did have to peg it down though. I had a skirt that was knee length, so I safety pinned it up higher. I bought the hat from a cheapy store for about $3. I borrowed AS's belt. The cuffs came with the kiddie costume and the thigh highs were $16 from Bra's N Things. Funny thing was though, the first pair I bought already had a ladder in them, managed to exchange them for a new pair no hassle.

So there ya have it. Now, pictures!

And the original:

07 October 2011

Power cords and Cupcakes

I have my dress all cut out. Albeit it about 2 weeks ago it was all cut out, I got all motivated on Thursday night to start sewing up the seams as AS was out for most of the night. I lift the 1930's machine up to the table, unlock her and ..... no power cord. I seem to scare them away. Who ever used it last didn't put the cord back wrapped around under the lid. I thought Mum was playing silly buggers with me, turns out she wasn't. She found it and has it at home. So it looks like I'll be taking a trip down to pick it up, might abuse her oven while I'm there too. Need some more bread and cupcakes for AS! Had these awesome flourless chocolate cupcakes in Canberra!

13 August 2011

Blue Dress

Again I'm busting out the Vogue 8020 pattern and attempting to make something in time for the work Christmas Party. I've got 4 months, no sewing machine and still a bit to cut out. I should be able to do it! Ha ha Progress pictures are due I reckon.

The Bodice
A close up of the embroidery
The material, and it's nice embroidered edges and scallops!

As my sister is pregnant, my youngest sister and I didn't know we both wanted to make a quilt/blanket thing for the baby, so between the two of us, we can make something epic and halve our time, it's due February 11, 2012. We've got time! I was thinking a sort of patchwork, or squares with cute animals/birds on them. Will have to come up with a few designs and propose them to little sister.

I am slowly gaining bits and bobs for my Amy Pond police costume. I was actually looking for a piƱata for youth group, but couldn't find one and found a UK police ladies hat instead for $4. Score!

As a side note, my glasses are very dirty, I'm glancing at the screen and every now and then seeing spots magnified times 1 billion. I should clean them. Anyway. Time to crank the new 3 Doors Down cd once sleeping beauty wakes up and maybe cut a few more pattern pieces.

18 June 2011

More Doctor Who party plans.

I've now had another thought as to what to go as for this Doctor Who party.

And we can go as a couple this way! I already priced a roman outfit from a costume place. Apart from it looking tacky, I could make something for less than that! And I think I just might. Mr A can go as Rory the Roman and I can go as Amy the kiss-o-gram police officer.

Shouldn't be too hard. And I hope not to eat my words!

26 May 2011

Doctor Who Dress up Party

My 2nd sister is having a dress up for her 21st birthday party. And thankfully she is geeky like me. She has chosen a Doctor Who theme. And I think I have hit the jackpot with a costume!

Meet the Dalek Girls!

I actually saw these girls in the flesh at the Brisbane Supanova event. A sci-fi convention thingy-a-me-jig. I was just there for the Twilight factor. Which I'm cured of now, thankfully. But moving right along...
...My partner in crime is invited and we are yet to come up with a costume for him. I have till end of October to make this thankfully and it'll be warmer weather so I can get away with wearing this, not even sure if we are going to Sydney in this! I know he can hook me up with some wiring so my headband 'ear' light things light up. I have no idea how to make the bumps for the skirt. But I got very excited at the fact I could make this!

I think some research into these costumes is in order!

03 January 2011

New Years Eve Costumes

Well I did it. I also got Anthony's costume done in about an hour, before we left. He realised he had nothing, so I dove into my stash and came up with some old white sheet that had been hacked into, and one yellow satin sheet that I'm meaning to turn into some 1880's delight, and pinned it and voila!

We didn't win the costume prize, but we were pretty good I reckon!

I modified the Sense & Sensibility Elegant Ladies Closet Cross Over gown,

The arrows are made from dowel painted silver, with black fake feathers bound to the top. I only sharpened 2 of the 6. The vinyl wouldn't stay on with glue to the posttube quiver, so I glued as much as I could and then bound it with green ribbon. Nice effect I thought.

Here we have Grecians mixing with a Roman. Tensions were high. But we made it without killing one another. A good night, with guests such as Mario and Luigi, Princess Fiona in Ogre form, Batman, Bellatrix Lestrange, Daisy and Princess Peach, Harry Potter, Jessica Fletcher from Murder she Wrote, Wally from Where's Wally, Shrek and some cops and gangsters and inmates.